Commercial Distilleries

Fabricating distilleries that develop award-winning products. It’s what we do.
Taranaki Story 053 Food & Hospitality Do Business distillery machinery Juno Gin

Rivet Fabricate’s capabilities are second-to-none when it comes to the alcohol distillery manufacturing and installation space. Whether it’s for commercial or hobby use, Rivet can design and fabricate the still of your dreams. We are the fabricators of:

  • The Award-Winning Juno Gin’s BeGin Distillery (Taranaki)
  • The Hokonui Moonshine Still (Gore)

Our experience with hydro-forming spherical vessels and developing exotic metals such as brass and copper makes stills a natural centrepiece at Rivet Fabricate.

We have both the skills and the interest in creating something purposeful, functional and unique.